Envision your Future

Through externship, internship, fellowship, and residency opportunities, veterinary students and graduate veterinarians are invited to learn alongside the industry’s leading experts at Altano’s worldwide network of equine veterinary practices. From full-service referral hospitals to ambulatory practices, imaging centers, and teleradiology, the opportunities for professional development at Altano are plentiful. You can experience cutting-edge equine veterinary medicine and state-of-the-art equipment in a healthy and supported working environment. Students and veterinarians participating in professional development programs at an Altano practice will have access to Altano Academy’s robust VetPD CE courses.

At Altano, we are not just a part of the profession, we are shaping its future. We are eager to share our passion for equine veterinary medicine and invite you to grow with us as we continue to innovate and lead in our field.

Our Programs in North America

Desert Pines Equine Medical and Surgical Center

Interstate Equine Hospital

McKee-Pownall Equine Services

Moore Equine Veterinary Centre

Paton & Martin Veterinary Services

Steinbeck Peninsula Equine Clinics 

Our Programs in New Zealand

 Waikato Equine Veterinary Centre

Our Global Programs

Global Internship

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